Polyethylene Foam Packaging

Polyethylene foam is an extremely versatile material used to protect fragile, expensive, or valuable products during shipping and transportation.

OrCon Industries fabricates densities that range from 1.2# up to 9# in various colors.  Closed-cell material, roll stock, crosslink, and die-cut (shown in the image) style foam are available. OrCon can help you decide which style foam will work best for your application and needs.

Polyethylene is best used for …

OrCon does not believe in waste or negative environmental impact, but we do believe in the best value and the best protection for products. That is why we use only as much foam as is necessary to still protect your product during transportation.

Polyethylene protects from damaged products that:

The lightweight polyethylene package shown in the image cushions this fragile crystal lamp from a 36-inch drop at 40Gs.

Interested in Orcon's Polyethylene Foam Packaging?

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